It is of enormous value for us to hear of any positive experiences you have had whilst involved with Coatham House. Our staff thrive on making a difference, we learn and build our infrastructure based on valuable constructive feedback.
If you would like to pay us a compliment, you can:
Ring, or write a letter to the person involved, their manager or our board of trustees.
Suggestions for how we might improve any aspect of our service are a welcome source of feedback. If there are any suggestions you would like to propose please contact us, clearly stating your suggestion, which part of the service it relates to and the benefits you believe it would offer the organisation. All suggestions will be acknowledged and seriously considered.
Complaints Procedure
We welcome complaints as this helps us to make service improvements. If you are unhappy with the service you have received, or there is something that you wish to complain about, this is what you should do: Stage 1 – Informal Resolution In the first instance attempts should be made to resolve all complaints informally through the involvement of those staff responsible for delivering the service, this resolution should be recorded. If you are not satisfied with this response you should be given the opportunity to request a formal investigation. Stage 2 – Formal Investigation If you are not happy with the response you need to submit the complaint in writing to the service manager who will investigate your complaint thoroughly and may ask to speak to you and anyone else involved. The service manager will make a decision about your complaint within 15 working days and write to you outlining what actions have been taken to resolve the problem.
Stage 3 – Formal Resolution You still have the right to seek independent advice on your statutory rights regarding the service you have received if you are not satisfied with the above. Stage 4 – Independent Review If you continue to be dissatisfied with the outcome, you have the right to make a complaint to our Senior Management Team. Contact details can be provided upon request. Any appeal regarding learner complaints regarding the outcome of qualifications should be referred to the relevant awarding body by Coatham House, for the process see the Learner Appeals Policy.